Background And History
Bangalore Medical Services Trust (BMST) was established by the Rotary Club of Bangalore and TTK & Company in 1984.
BMST, initially set up to provide blood-banking services through its division, the Rotary Bangalore-TTK Blood Bank, has evolved over time to become a centre of excellence in the areas of blood banking, transfusion and Immunohematology; transplant Immunology; tissue banking; solid organ and stem cell transplantation; Training; Research; and community based health education and health services.
Approvals, Authorizations and Recognition
Registered Trust
DSIR recognition
Drugs Control :
NABH Accreditation
RGUHS Recognition and affiliation with Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS):
The people and organizations behind BMST
Rotary Club of Bangalore
TTK & Co
BMST Trustees
BMST has 12 trustees, 6 nominees of TTK & Co. and 6 of Rotary Club of Bangalore who change every year. The Chairman is a nominee of RCB & the Managing Trustee a nominee of TTK & Co.
Rotary Club of Bangalore and TTK & Co, the founding partners as well as other Rotary clubs, Rotary International, and many other corporate & individual donors have mobilized the funding support for BMST over the years.
Several Rotarians of RCB have supported BMST. Notable among them were Rtn P.D.G P.T Kasturi, founder Chairman and the visionary who initiated this project, Rtn Capt. V.V.K. Mani & Rtn. Arun Kumar, who contributed enormously in terms of time and effort to at first get a Civic Amenity (CA) site of the Government of Karnataka and then construct the building.
Dr. Latha Jagannathan, Medical Director and Managing Trustee and Mrs. Lakshmi Ravichandran, Trustee, BMST and Head, Donor Recruitment, have contributed, totally free, their time, effort and expertise to establish and grow BMST to what it is today.
In addition, several volunteers, have contributed to BMST, of note among them is Mr. Pratap, who has developed and supported the software program Hemotrace pro bono for BMST.

- To promote and sustain voluntary blood, stem cell and tissue donations
- To spread awareness about organ and body donation
- To meet the defined needs of the community for safe blood components, cellular & tissue products
- To follow high standards of operations as per national /international guidelines in order to develop & promote the culture of quality and ethics in all our services and facilities
- To help the poor and needy with blood, tissues, laboratory and other services at subsidized or at no cost at all
- To initiate and advocate for newer and improved testing protocols with clinicians in the field of blood and transplant
- To do capacity building through training and technology transfer
- To do Research & Development in blood, tissue and cellular therapies
Our Best Practices
Best practices and unique distinctions
- Emphasis on 100% voluntary blood donation, and stringent donor selection
- 100% blood separated into components
- Screening all units by NAT
- Ensuring vein-to- vein traceability
- All blood units and other samples Bar coded for identification
- Automated tests whose results are fed directly to the blood bank Software (Hemotrace)
- Every component barcode is scanned and the results of TTI, blood group, pre-transfusion testing etc obtained and all labels are printed from software to eliminate errors due to manual entries
- All relevant records also printed directly from software to eliminate manual entries
- Functioning as the Immunohematology reference laboratory for South India.
- Actively promoting the concept of storage centres and bulk transfer of blood to improve accessibility to safe blood components (as on February 2017, we supply blood to 22 storage centres in Bangalore and 1 in Mysore)Note :Our policy of taking back unused blood components from storage centres is perceived as a plus point with these hospitals. These components are issued to other hospitals / patients thus ensuring there is no wastage.
- Quality has always been emphasized but NABH accreditation has made us more conscious of continual improvement
- Recognition as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) by the Department of scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India
- Designated as a specialized laboratory of RGUHS (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) and a Centre of Excellence in Blood Banking, Immunohematology & Tissue typing for collaborative research and training